Evolution Korea
Until recently the scientific community in Korea has avoided engaging with the creationists, fearing that doing so could give the movement more credibility. Silence is no longer a viable option.
The STR has been fighting to remove the content on evolution from textbooks, including the discovery that the feathered Archaeopteryx was an ancestral bird. This is only one aspect of the evolution of the developmental paradigm.
What is Evolution?
Evolution is a theory of science that explains the evolution of the genetic characteristics of living organisms over time. The theory is based on fact that living organisms adapt to their environment and this can lead to changes in genes or even complete genomes. Over many generations the changes could result in the emergence of new species. Natural selection is the dominant theory of evolution. It describes how individuals who have advantages can reproduce faster and longer than those with disadvantageous ones. This differential reproduction can eventually lead to the development and emergence of new species.
The word "evolution" is derived from Latin for revealing or unrolling, has been used in a variety of different ways as the concept has evolved in both science and elsewhere. Early evolutionists, such as Jean Baptiste de Lamarck and Erasmus Darwin (Charles's grandfather) believed that the existing species changed into other species in a planned manner. The term transmutation was coined by the Lamarck's disciple embryologist Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, to describe this notion. Charles Lyell, who published the second volume of his Principles of Geology in 1833, attacked this idea and borrowed the term "evolution" from Geoffroy's student to describe the idea that existing species change into new species in a gradual and predictable manner.
Evolutionary biologists define it more recently as a process through which living things develop characteristics to increase their chances of living or producing offspring. As time passes the genetic variability could lead to the emergence of entirely new biological functions or physical traits in a population. Natural selection is the process that drives the majority of evolutionary changes. Other changes that aren't genetic, such as an increase in muscle mass through exercise or diet, cannot be considered evolution because they aren't passed down to future generations.
Creationists have a tendency to use the argument that evolution is controversial even though it has been proven valid by a multitude of scientific tests and it has stood the test of time. They claim that the concept should not be taught in schools. In South Korea, creationists won a few victories against evolution in textbooks for high schools. This includes the removal of all references to the evolutionary roots of humans and Archaeopteryx which is a feathered dinosaur which is believed to be the bird's ancestor.
Why is Evolution Important for Humanity?
Evolution is the explanation for the origins of Earth and all living species. It is one of the fundamentals of biology and helps scientists understand how living things work and develop. Evolution also reveals the relationships between different species. Scientists study evolution to understand the natural world, and to discover useful information, such as developing new medicines.
The evidence for evolution of biological species is overwhelming. There is no other scientific theory that can explain so much about the universe as well as life on earth, and it has been rigorously tested and verified over a long period of time. Many people, including some religious leaders, support the scientific theory of evolution. It is important to remember that evolutionary biology doesn't contradict religious beliefs because it only addresses physical objects, events and processes.
In fact many religious people have discovered ways to reconcile their beliefs with evolutionary theory. Some Christians for instance, believe that God created everything through evolution, and that humans share a common ancestry to other animals.
It is crucial that science educators advocate for the teaching evolution. In certain countries, the anti-evolution movement has been growing. In the United States, efforts to limit the more info teaching of evolution have made progress in a few states. In South Korea, a group called the Society for Textbook Revise, an offshoot from the Korea Association for Creation Research (KAC) is a campaign for textbook content on the evolutionary history of horses and their avian ancestor Archaeopteryx.
While these are troubling changes, it's important to remember that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. The evidence for evolution is based on a variety of sources, such as fossils, genetics, and the behavior of living creatures. The evidence is also independently verified by other scientists.
The majority of scientists believe in the theory of evolution. The reasons for this support are diverse. Some scientists study evolution in order to make practical discoveries such as developing new medicines and other treatments, while others use it to improve the lives of animals and plant species, typically to benefit of humans. Some scientists are just curious, whereas others have an intense faith in God.
What is Creationism?
Creationists are people who believe that God created the universe and everything within it. They also believe that the Bible is God's word and should be taken literally. While not all creationists are Christian, many are. Creationists generally fall in one of two categories: Young Earth creationists (YEC) and old earth creationists (OEC).
The most well-known type of creationist is known as the YEC. They believe that God created the universe in exactly the manner described in the Bible. YECs hold that the biblical account of the six days of creation is literal and that the universe and the life on Earth were created only recently.
OECs may be less well-known, but their beliefs are just as passionate as the YECs. OECs believe that the universe and life on Earth are billions of years old and that evolution is a myth.
Both kinds of creationism deny that scientific principles such as biogenesis and natural selection can explain how life began on Earth. They claim that evolution is impossible because it would require the creation of a miracle, and the founders of modern science rejected miracles out of fear that they would lose credibility.
Some creationists accept naturalistic evolutionary and special creation. They call their view “theistic evolution.†This is sometimes referred to as "continuous creationism" or "evolution from the created species." This theory states that God creates species from scratch and then allows these to change over time. These evolutionary changes eventually will result in new species that are similar to the original.
Others believe that God created the universe and all living things during a single event, referred to as the Great Flood. Creationists believe that the original species were all created simultaneously, and that they evolved slowly afterward. They reject the idea of abiogenesis and assert that self-replicating life can't come from nonliving matter.
In general, creationists oppose teaching evolution at schools. Numerous professional organizations such as the National Science Teachers Association and the Association for Science Teacher Education are in support of this view, as do the American Anthropological Association and the Geological Society of America. However, some researchers and educational institutions are more flexible, and permit the inclusion of both evolution and creationism in their curriculum.
What is Creationism?
When people think about the concept of creationism, a lot think of the United States. However, South Korea is also the home of an anti-evolutionist movement. The publishers of textbooks for high school students have recently declared that they will be removing references to evolution from their textbooks. The Society for Textbook Revise, an independent body that is an offshoot from the Korea Association for Creation Research (KACCR) is the one who has led this effort. The STR has won its first victory by removing from textbooks the evidence of the evolution and ancestor of an bird, the Archeopteryx. The next step is to take out portions of Darwin's notorious finch-research and also on human evolution.
STR claims that it has the backing of 4,000 families and individual members. Its aim is to root out what it sees as the "atheist materialism" that reflects a hopeless worldview for students. It also seeks to counter the influence of American creationists who live in the US. A survey of students in biology revealed that a majority of them did not believe evolution. The root causes are unclear, but may include religion and the absence of full-time creation scientists across the United States.
The KACR achieved many things through its lectures and seminars in the past. It publishes a bimonthly journal called Creation and an ebook. One of them was a textbook on natural sciences that had a creationist perspective. This led to an interest in college communities. In 1991, a professor along with a minister, began teaching Creation Science at one university. It is still taught to students today.
On August 6th and 7th of 1993, KACR hosted a second International Symposium on Creation Research. It was held in conjunction with the opening of the World Expo in Daejeon. Six lecturers from the world, including ICR's John Morris, Duane Gish and Steven Austin spoke to audiences of several thousand. KACR and its members have been delivering lectures on creation science in major seminaries, too. KACR plans to create a Creation Science Education Center in the future.